Ghostwritten Blogs are here for you!
Learn more below.

Ghostwritten Blog
Every month

Ghost written blog, delivered in your email every month for your websites blog. All you have to do is provide any pictures or graphs (or Handprint can do this if you want), then cut and paste from a word document, and add your name at the bottom. Complete secrecy on our part.

✓ 1 blog (+/- 1000 words) each month delivered to your inbox.
Ghostwritten Blog Plus Monthly Business Newsletter
Every month

Inside this package is one ghostwritten blog delivered to your email per month, PLUS our Business newsletter will be emailed to you. Inside you will find business techniques and secrets to everyday business problems. As these blogs are ghostwritten secrecy will be our pledge to you. All you will need to do is cut and paste the blog from our word document to your blog and put your name on it. It's that easy!

✓ One ghostwritten blog (+/- 1000 words) per month.
✓ Monthly Business Newsletter
Ghostwritten Blog PLUS PLUS Model
Every month

Get our ghostwritten blog in your email box every month, tailored specifically for your industry. All you will have to do is cut and paste from our word document to your website. Then put your name on it. Look like a super star business entrepreneur. Plus get our monthly business newsletter with business secrets on a number of topics. Plus some free merch care package.

✓ Ghostwritten blog (+/-1000 words) delivered to your inbox.
✓ Monthly Business Newsletter
✓ Social Media Exposure on HandPrint Accounts

What people are saying

“Brands that prioritize blogging see 13 times more ROI than brands that don’t”

— Hubspot 2024

Customers Love Blogs!

“Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog”

— DemandMetric

Give Customers Content They Want!

70% of people would rather learn about a company through articles than advertisements.”

— DemandMetric