Stuffy presentations and lengthy boardroom slideshows are often the usual method for many companies, but at Work Our Network, we believe in a different approach. Instead, we place a high value on genuine connection and a direct, in-your-face style that helps to smooth out any bumps along the way. We emphasize creating an engaging atmosphere where ideas can flow freely and authentically, fostering stronger relationships and collaboration among our team and community.

Meet the awesome Tash O


Meet the awesome Tash O 〰️

Tasha Showed that Outer Wealth and Inner Healing can be on the same menu. Bringing our whole self was the main point.

A woman in a pink blazer is in an office setting with modern desks. Text reads: 'Healing is your leadership advantage. Coaching leaders into holistic wealth through inner healing and healthy resilience.'"

Transformational Leadership Coach/Mentor, Speaker and Published Author.

As a transformational leadership coach she is committed to empowering leaders to activate holistic wealth. Inner Healing plus Healthy Resilience is your leadership advantage.

Work Our Network truly loves to support and uplift our extended Network, so go ahead and hit the button below to make a meaningful connection with this powerhouse of a brand!

Together, we can ignite positive change and growth.

Group of people sitting at a restaurant table with a "Work Our Network" sign.

Work Our Network warmly welcomes all businesses and enthusiastic supporters alike. We firmly believe that businesses are significantly stronger when the door opens freely to collaboration and connection. Together, we can foster a vibrant community where everyone thrives.

Sharing your unique story and experiences will greatly enhance your business's growth and development.