business Marcus LaPointe business Marcus LaPointe

Trade Words Like Cash

Learn the RAIN Method and other fantastic tools in this book.

Lets Get Learning!

With making money on the minds of most people, knowledge is our only path to a bountiful secure future.  The great thing is that we have so much information at our fingertips.

But how do we choose the right knowledge to use to your advantage?

Do you listen to the media? Do you listen to social media? Do you try YouTube? Do you park it at the library?  Attend school?  There is no right answer. The cool thing is that there is no wrong answer either. Knowledge is knowledge.  In our business we need to have a process for knowledge gathering and use. 

As this is a topic on knowledge and making money, I’d like to share a piece of knowledge that is setting some groundwork for me.  In their book, Virtual Selling, by Mike Schultz, Dave Shaby, and Andy Springer ( , is a prime example of learning something new, but not just for the newness of knowledge but to learn the lingo and skills for a new opportunity.  Pulled from their book a common quote that all business professionals and entrepreneurs should consider when introducing new information.  After all repeat business is our best friend.

“Change is not necessary, but neither is survival.” W. Edwards Deming

So, there lies the turmoil of what is next, what to act on.  What to move us from survival to revival.  Do you feel you have enough knowledge to support the proposed financial growth hypothesis?  How do you build the sellers/buyers relationship and not look the part of the fool?  The list of factors is too great to list here.  From day one we trade our knowledge in our lingo, our tech talk, and our jargon.  In the negative egotistical sense, you can see this as a pissing match.  However, in a true knowledge quest you see this trading in shared visions of workplace pride.

When listening, each trade has its own set of jargon.  For example, below are three different examples of industry lingo.

Plumbing                        Physical Science           Business

snaking lines                 gun spark                        Return on Investment

rough ins                         bias flow turbine          run to fail

water hammer              Hobbit Hole Door         Bleeding Edge

ballcock                           McClure Box                   Blue Ocean


You get the picture.  Once the lingo of an industry is understood a whole new world is opened to you.  Which opens new possibilities too. What possibilities are thinking up right now for your business?   The authors of Virtual Selling also provide key lingo to start learning to set you on YOUR next adventure financial gain.

Virtual Selling Lingo:

Engagement threshold

Cost impact model

Armageddon pitchman


Bialys (admittedly this one is a flatbread – but I had to look it up)


NOTE – this is only a small example from the book.


Once the lingo is brought into the field the authors start working through their method for success, the R.A.I.N Method, which is a foundation to shift from F2F (face to face) selling to a virtual selling environment with an included ROI model to see the impact of delivering exceptional success. 

BUT that’s not all!  There are more tools like the Buyer Change Blueprint, review of the impact model, and more!  There is even a Star Trek mention from the old episodes if you can catch it.  The point is change is hard, but it’s harder without a system and without a good vocabulary.   Check out the book.

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