Finding New Verticals - Article

Verticals are gold to companies that can find efficiencies in cross functions. The cool part about the below article is this company designed their own internal verticals to support a larger company mission. This is gold!

Click the photo below for a view of the article in Plumbing Magazine. Dave Bailey did a great job sharing how their company created added revenue.

Companies with strong product lines can gain the the upper hand by denying other competitors access to those accolades. CLICK the photo below for more information on the Five Forces!

All five forces are deliberate in any business strategy. The skilled trades businesses in particular are vulnerable to entrants as the technology for services has increased over the past decades. Tools are condensing in size from two person teams to only needing one. Increasing your awareness of internal verticals to service will separate the successful and the failed over the long haul.

Marcus LaPointe

Affiliate Marketer | Facilities Management Professional | Ghostwriter | Dad | Husband


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