Reasons a Ghostwriter can help your business.
Let us start with the objections, it is too costly, it is too time-consuming, it has negligible impact on my business.
Does that sum it up?
I have heard all these concerns as a ghostwriter and blogger. Each comes from an entrepreneur that is hyper focused on what is right in front of them. To no fault of their own, entrepreneurship does that. We hyper-focus!
Often the person is operating on little sleep, also working a full-time job, dealing with family concerns, AND trying to make a business idea work. That is the bane of the entrepreneur. That is the GRIND that we all talk about.
So let us break down the top objections mentioned above that HandPrint Content runs into.
It is too costly – entrepreneurs being focused on the bottom-line. Why? Because most are operating on a bootstrap method of financing. Others underfunded by only accounting for the lowest amount of loan in case they fail. The third group is due to not knowing the value of passive information.
It is too time-consuming – entrepreneurs are running the business and working in the business instead of working on the business, due to not having the right staffing. Because of the previous one – working on the business – there is zero time to step back and focus on a written piece. The time/impact value of the written piece is not understood.
It provides little impact on my business – entrepreneurs feel that the value from a written piece is not valuable enough compared to the time spent. There is a myriad of reasons for this. Feeling ashamed that the writing skills are not up to par for a written piece is the biggest one. The belief that it is better to be directly selling to clients and knocking on doors than writing an article.
The mission then is to overcome these beliefs.
A little case study to review first, Lifetime Value of a Blog Post by Convince & Convert (authored by Ted Murphy) who completed a Halverson Group study to counter the reasons above (Murphy, 2023). The biggest details reported:
· “Lifespan of a post is nearly 24 times the currently accepted measurement of 30 days.”
· “Only after two years will a blog post obtain 99 percent of its impressions.”
· “A 700-day lifespan indicates that blog posts are an annuity that provide value over a significant timeframe.”
These above reasons, thank you Ted and the value study, are the reasons for hiring a ghostwriter. The written word has lasting power over the door-2-door method or cold calling. It also helps support the current clientele by offering reassurance that the business is still being worked on.
The next cool part is that after the 2-year cool off period of a written piece an organization can move onto the repurpose phase. Because of the ever-changing market and technology that is evolving every few years, less in some industries, the repurpose is necessary.
HandPrint tip – if you have posts older than 4 years you should archive those, take them down and repurpose them.
According to Convince and Convert, the reason for the repurpose is that your business has probably grown in the last year and “a new audience” will find those pieces valuable. Also, these oldies but goodies, when reposted or refreshed, will give you an opportunity to follow up with those that commented on the original and provide a voice for your brand.
Following the comments of the old audience and allowing them to be part of the new draft you are creating an abridged version. Something new, something old, and something connected to the old and new audiences. The brand grows stronger. Your business grows stronger.
Murphy, T. (2023). New Study Reveals the Lifetime Value of a Blog Post. Convince & Convert. Retrieved from
Peggs, M. (n.d.). How to Repurpose Your Content Again and Again. doi: